This new Sogang Korean series is an updated version of its predecessor with the following changes...
Koreanisch leicht gemacht für Anfänger ist für Koreanischlerner ohne Hintergrundkenntnisse konzip...
This textbook replaces the former 'Sejong Korean Conversation 1'.It is divided into 3 cha...
This is the second volume in the Korean Grammar in Use series which is best selling book for the ...
Learn Korean more effectively with our core grammar lessons! From saying the basic greetings, to ...
Die Serie 'Koreanisch Leicht gemacht' ist als Selbstlernmaterial für Lernende konzipiert, deren M...
* Many grammar points and expressions appearing on the TOPIK Advanced Levels 5 and 6!* Detail...
Grundwortschatz Koreanisch: Die 2000 wichtigsten Wörter - Mittelstufe
Developed by certified teachers to help you review and reinforce what youve learned in the Talk T...
Korean Made Easy for beginners is made for a self study purpose using a simple conversational met...
This is the completely renewed Sejong Korean Series edited by the King Sejong Institute and first...
Dieses Buch vermittelt anschaulich und systematisch eine Auswahl von 2.000 wichtigen koreanischen...