This book is a beautiful visual reference to the world's natural habitats and the plants and anim...
Einzigartige Einblicke in die faszinierende Vielfalt unserer ErdeVisueller Genuss: beeindruck...
Flash is one of the most popular ways in recent years to create interactive video content for the...
Flash is one of the most engaging, innovative, and versatile technologies available-allowing the ...
Use solid and practical exercises to master the fundamentals of Adobe Animate CC. This is one of ...
This book provides the world's first and best guide to marrying After Effects and Flash technolog...
Beginning HTML5 Media is a comprehensive introduction to HTML5 video and audio. The HTML5 video s...
This is one of the first books solely dedicated to Flash 8 Video development and goes a lot deepe...
This book is a design-slanted guide aimed at giving aspiring Flash designers a solid grounding in...
Der in New York lebende Sänger, Songwriter, Dichter, Filmemacher und Ku¨nstler Adam Green (*1981,...
If you're a Flash designer looking for a solid overview of Flash CS4, this book is for you. Throu...