InhaltsangabeChapter 1. Introduction. 1.1 Data Mining Algorithms. 1.2 Advances in Genomic Techniq...
Intelligent systems are required to facilitate the use of information provided by the internet an...
The revised and extended papers collected in this volume represent the cutting-edge of research a...
A large international conference on Advances in Intelligent Control and Innovative Computing was ...
Inhaltsangabe1. Multimodal Human Spacecraft Interaction In Remote Environments. 2. A Framework Fo...
This volume contains revised and extended research articles written by prominent researchers who ...
This volume contains thirty revised and extended research articles written by prominent researche...
A large international conference in Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing was just held in...
A large international conference on Advances in Machine Learning and Systems Engineering was held...
Intelligent systems are required to facilitate the use of information provided by the internet an...
InhaltsangabeTidal Current Turbine, Wind Turbine and their Dynamic Modelling; H.H.H.Aly, M.E.El-H...
This volume contains fifty-one revised and extended research articles written by prominent resear...