Until recently crime prevention has been considered of little importance in the training of pract...
Der Beruf des Scharfrichters entstand im Spätmittelalter und war bis ins 19. Jahrhundert ein wich...
Das Black Mountain College (BMC) in North Carolina war Ende der 1940er-Jahre die führende Institu...
InhaltsangabeSemi-martingales banachiques: Le théorème des trois opérateurs.- Jumping filtrations...
Inhaltsangabe- Was Sie über Kundenintegration wissen sollten Warum Innovationen scheitern...
InhaltsangabePrinciple of superposition and interference of diffusion processes.- Espaces de Lebe...
Is the Sun and its planetary system special? How did the Solar system form? Are there similar sys...
The different papers contained in this volume are all research papers. The main directions of res...
Besides a number of papers on classical areas of research in probability such as martingale theor...