Raqqa am Rhein ist eine autobiografische Erzählung über Aufbruch und Ankunft, über zerstörte Frei...
The objective of this book is to characterize the optoelectronic properties of quaternary n-Al0.0...
This book discusses the design and control aspects of autonomous robotics. Objective of this proj...
Cambridge Absolvent Mycroft Holmes steht im Verteidigungsministerium eine steile Karriere bevor. ...
Poverty, malnutrition, low agricultural productivity, severe land degradation, shortage of water ...
Millions of people in developing countries lack adequate access to food. Increased food productio...
Classical methods which can be used to reduce the blurring, noise or both at the same time, such ...
In vitro sperm activation is very important step in the laboratory technique that plays an import...
This book is presented in five chapters. A brief summary of these chapters is given below: Chapte...
Les textes romanesques de Khatibi constituent des étapes dans la quête philosophique et identitai...