In this groundbreaking global overview of philosophy, Julian Baggini travels the world to provide...
How did we find ourselves in a 'post-truth' world of 'alternative facts'? And can we get out of i...
Die großen Fragen behandeln grundlegende Probleme und Konzepte in Wissenschaft und Philosophie, d...
In How the World Thinks, Julian Baggini travels the globe to provide a wide-ranging map of...
Since the beginning of time, people have asked questions about how they should live and, from Anc...
Essen ist nicht nur Geschmackssache. Mit dem Kauf eines Lebensmittels unterstützen wir auch eine ...
Julian Baggini challenges our assumptions about Jesus by focusing on his teachings. Stripping awa...
Since the beginning of time, people have asked questions about how they should live and philosoph...