Adopting and adapting historical forms is an integral part of architectural design today. Strictl...
Spolia are structural elements that have been consciouslyand therefore usually visiblyreused. The...
The Architectural Heritage of Postmodernism - Current State of Research on Architecture and Monum...
Stadtbilder sind gegenwärtig aktuell, vor allem, wenn es um Städtebauund Stadtentwicklung geh...
The present volume entitled 'Perspectives in Turbulence Stud ies' is dedicated to Dr. Ing. E. h. ...
RezensionFrom the reviews:'The authors of the papers in this volume are leading contribut...
The church, castle and timber-framed house are still considered the paragons of architectural mon...
Mit der Zerstörung der Synagogen in Deutschland in der Reichspogromnacht 1938 kam eine jahrhunder...
Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) brought the quality of coloring in copperplate engraving and the wo...
The chemistry of polyurethane coatings is of great significance in many applications worldwide. M...