Upon publication in 1975, Corregidora was hailed as a masterpiece, winning acclaim from writers i...
Die größte vergessene Schriftstellerin Amerikas!Kentucky 1947: Jeden Abend singt Ursa in ...
Set primarily on the island of Ibiza, the story is narrated by the writer Amanda Wordlaw, whose c...
'Eine Frau, die sowas macht, muss doch verrückt sein.'Eva Medina Canada sitzt in der Psychiatrie,...
Palmares recounts the journey of Almeyda, a Black slave girl who comes of age on Portugues...
Palmares is the long-awaited book from 'the best American novelist whose name you may not ...
Set primarily on the island of Ibiza, the story is narrated by the writer Amanda Wordlaw, whose c...
A new edition of a National Book Award finalist follows a black faith healer whose shrewd observa...
Palmares recounts the journey of Almeyda, a Black slave girl who comes of age on Portugues...
Kentucky 1947: Jeden Abend singt Ursa in Happy's Café den Blues. Die Männer hängen an ihren Lippe...
Eva's Man is a gripping psychological portrait of a woman unable to love for fear of pain. Impris...
As Mosquito's understanding of the immigrants's need to forge new lives and identities deepens, s...