Multiauthored book dealing comprehensively with the various aspects of imaging of pediatric muscu...
This book offers a comprehensive but straightforward, practical handbook on ultrasound (US)-guide...
InhaltsangabeEquipment and examination technique generalities. Equipment. Examination technique. ...
Le recenti evoluzioni tecnologiche nella diagnostica per immagini hanno consentito gli cogliere l...
Multiauthored book dealing comprehensively with the various aspects of imaging of pediatric muscu...
Nel corso dell'accrescimento l'apparato muscolo-scheletrico va incontro a profonde e continue mod...
This book offers a comprehensive but straightforward, practical handbook on ultrasound (US)-guide...
This book presents the major advances and technological updates in diagnostic ultrasound procedur...
This book presents the major advances and technological updates in diagnostic ultrasound procedur...