Krisen aller Art führen zu substantiellen Risiken für den Bestand des Familienvermögens von deuts...
The Eastern Partnership Policy was officially launched in 2009 and its main objective is to start...
The rule of law is a legally binding constitutional principle which is recognised as one of the f...
Im Jahre 2005 beging die Welt den 60. Jahrestag des Endes des II. Weltkrieges in Europa. Eng verk...
The security situation in Europe is determined by new challenges, risks and threats. Security pol...
Der vorliegende Band umfasst einen Beitrag zum Thema 'Europe's Transformational Crisis', worüber ...
Der vorliegende Band enthält einen Beitrag zu 'Europa - einst Verheissung - heute Streitfall' und...
The UK referendum of 23rd June 2016 was a significant caesura in the history of the European inte...
Der vorliegende Band enthält einen Beitrag zum Thema 'The Future of Europe - The Foundations of U...
The conditions for security in Europe in the 21st century differ from those in the second half of...
The conditions for security in Europe in the 21st century differ from those in the second half of...