Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems 2008 (June 24-27, 2008; São Luís, Brazil) brought together leadi...
In this book common sense computing techniques are further developed and applied to bridge the se...
Inhaltsangabe1. Introduction1.1 About the Agent Concept1.2 A Framework for Complex Adaptive Syste...
This book presents a summary of the cognitively inspired basis behind multimodal speech enhanceme...
This book comprises peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 5th International Conference on ...
The perception-action cycle is the circular flow of information that takes place between the orga...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Brain Inspi...
InhaltsangabeCognitive Neuroscience.- Effects of Stimuli Intensity and Frequency on Auditory P50 ...
This intriguing book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the International Con...