This is the first publication to comprehensively explore art collector and philanthropist Sir Mar...
The Soviet Union was unique in its formidable and dynamic use of the illustrated book as a means ...
This book presents the photo publications of Dr. Paul Wolff and Alfred Tritschler, revealing both...
Siegertitel Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2013 Kategorie Fotogeschichte FototheorieDieses zweib...
This book presents an overview of the avant-garde photographic oeuvre of Shigeru Onishi from the ...
The Arolsen Holocaust Archive chronicles the history of the Nazi repository of voluminous prisone...
Welche Fotobücher haben auf besonders überzeugende und charakteristische Weise Einblick in 'Deuts...
Most collectors have their own unique attractions and approaches to the objects of their collecti...
Es gibt Vintage-Automobile, Vintage-Mode, Vintage-Weine und sogar Vintage-Prints. Zu Vintage zähl...
The Unreal Real, Liza Ryan's fifth publication, surveys the last two decades of her work. Thirtee...
This extensive overview is an homage to all the photographers, artists, writers, designers, print...